Meet the Bearcats🤍📣🏈
DES has launched into our learning exploration! Drop your first day of school pictures in the comments! We would love to see our students excited for a stellar new year!🚀🪐✨
Band Family!
Hamilton tournament information for both Varsity and JV for this weekend!
August MS & HS Menus
August Elementary Menus
📚First Day of School Reminders📚 🏈🏀7th & 8th Grade Boys Athletics: Please report to the Fieldhouse by 7:45 AM🏀🏈 🏐🏀7th & 8th Grade Girls Athletics: Please report to the High School gym by 7:45AM🏀🏐 📣All other students need to report to CubCat Den by 7:30 AM🐾
✨Spirit Gear ✨will be available for sale all day tomorrow in the library. Make sure to stop by and pick out something you like! Perfect for Bearcat Fridays!! 🐾
Get registered now!!
We are loving our new app! It's everything De Leon ISD, in your pocket. Access our live feed, news updates, documents, cafeteria menus, events, sport schedules and even alert notifications, right from your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app today! ➡️ Download for Android Download for iPhone
Just a reminder- there is a meeting for parents and students who signed up for dual credit classes. You will receive your invoice, have an opportunity to pay by check if you would like, learn about what courses your child is enrolled in, and complete any missing documents that is required.
Golden Saturday 🍑🍉 Bearcat Cheer is ready for some Friday Night Lights! Remember to save the date for next Thursday August 15th for Meet The Bearcats! 🐾🏈
CLASS OF 2027: It's that time of year again! We are preparing for an amazing sophomore year and need to kick things off by electing our class officers. Please complete the Google form in your email to begin the nomination process!
Dual Credit parents and students !
Call us today to learn about our PRE-K 3 year old program!!!
Title 1 Meeting in the HS Community Foyer August 13, 2024 @ 2:30 PM
Incoming 10th-12th grade- transcripts and letters from Mrs. Boswell were mailed out last week. Check your mail and review your transcript so you know where you stand going into a new year.
DES staff enjoyed their first day back at work and are getting ready to LAUNCH into a new school year! 🚀🪐 We can’t wait for an OUT OF THIS WORLD learning adventure 👽🛸☄️🔭🧑🚀
HS Volleyball in August
📚August 13th : Meet Your Teachers/Walk the Schedule 12 PM -2PM📚
✏️August 15th : First Day of School✏️